TUNCAP was first established in 1991 in Dokuz Eylul University according to the regulation prepared and published in Official Gazette (No 21451, 30 December 1992). In this regulation, mention of the International Union of Air Pollution Prevention Associations (IUAPPA) with similar goals from different countries is made. TUNCAP also participated in the establishment of EFCA, the European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations, and is an active member of this international body, too.
Turkish National Committee for Air Pollution and Control (TUNCAP) is a national organization working under article 7/m of Law of Higher Education of Turkey. It aims linking academics, industry and administrators working in the field of air pollution and control in the country. It creates a forum for transfer of ideas, new developments, scientific research interests and their implementation in Turkey.+Read more...
"Hava Kirlenmesi Araştırmaları ve Denetimi Türk Milli Komitesi" 2547 sayılı Yüksek Öğretim Kanunu'nun 2880 sayılı Kanunla değişik 7'ci maddesinin 3'üncü fıkrasının "m" bendine dayanılarak "The International Union of Air Pollution Prevention Associations (IUAPPA)" statüsü çerçevesi içinde kurulmuştur.